
Author Joe Burris  


Spins Five Tales  


About the Intersection


Of the Real World  

And the Spiritual Realm.




Most people in Reverend Caesar's congregation were convinced he possessed spiritual powers; most followed him with faith and fear. Shawn Curtis didn't hide his contempt of Caesar or his fear of no one. Soon the two would clash, setting off a tragedy that shook the church to its core.



Welcome to the Judgment Day waiting room. 



What happens when a five-year-old boy applies holy water to an insect that emerges from the ground every 12 years?

The three roommates had lost their jobs and prepared to be evicted. Discarding useless belongings in the middle of the summer, they tossed an old, rusty space heater in a pile of trash -- never imagining having thrown away a money-making fertility symbol.



Obadiah and Janey vowed to love each other forever, even into their afterlives. But when fate separates them, Janey has the solution to reunite them -- just add water.

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